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HBCU Schools Offering Master's Degrees in Ohio

Ohio Master's Degree SchoolsOffered In
Ohio is a fair state to obtain your HBCU master's degree. There are 2 schools offering HBCU programs in Ohio, and the best opportunity is offered by Central State University. This school has a great HBCU master's degree program - four-star rating for curriculum and four stars for teaching.

Read the details about both HBCU schools offering master's degrees in Ohio below or narrow your search by program or city in Ohio.

Ohio HBCU master's degree schools:

Central State University - HBCU School Ranking
1. Central State University

Located in Wilberforce, 1 master's program

Wilberforce University - HBCU School Ranking
2. Wilberforce University

Located in Wilberforce, 1 master's program

HBCU master's degrees in nearby states:

Kentucky State University - HBCU School Ranking
Kentucky State University

Located in Frankfort, KY, 7 master's programs

Lincoln University Pennsylvania - HBCU School Ranking
Lincoln University Pennsylvania

Located in Lincoln University, PA, 8 master's programs

West Virginia State University - HBCU School Ranking
West Virginia State University

Located in Institute, WV, 6 master's programs

Ohio HBCU master's degrees by major:

Business: 1 HBCU school
Occupational Therapy: 1 HBCU school

Other HBCU diplomas in OH:

Bachelor's Degrees: 2 HBCU schools

Ohio HBCU schools by city:

Wilberforce: 2 HBCU schools

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