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HBCU Medical Schools in the Midwest

We list 3 HBCU schools offering med majors in Missouri and Ohio.

We rank Harris Stowe State University (Saint Louis, MO), Lincoln University (Jefferson City, MO), and Wilberforce University the best three medical HBCU schools in the Midwest.

See the best 3 HBCU medical schools and colleges in the Midwest below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Midwest.

Top 3 HBCU medical schools in the Midwest:

Harris Stowe State University - HBCU School Ranking
1. Harris Stowe State University

Saint Louis, MO, 1 medical program

Lincoln University - HBCU School Ranking
2. Lincoln University

Jefferson City, MO, 1 medical program

Wilberforce University - HBCU School Ranking
3. Wilberforce University

Wilberforce, OH, 1 medical program

HBCU medical schools in the Midwest by state:

Schools by State2 HBCU Medical Schools in Missouri1 HBCU Medical Schools in Ohio

HBCU medical schools in other regions:

Northeast: 1 HBCU school
South: 57 HBCU schools
Southeast: 43 HBCU schools

Popular HBCU school cities in the Midwest:

in Missouri:
Jefferson City: 1 HBCU school
Saint Louis: 1 HBCU school
in Ohio:
Wilberforce: 2 HBCU schools
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