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HBCU Psychology Schools in the Northeast

In 2024, we ranked 2 HBCU schools offering psychology majors in Pennsylvania.

We rank Lincoln University Pennsylvania and Cheyney University of Pennsylvania the top three psychology HBCU schools in the Northeast.

See the best 2 HBCU psychology schools in the Northeast below or narrow your search by program, state, or city in the Northeast.

Top 2 HBCU psychology schools in the Northeast:

Lincoln University Pennsylvania - HBCU School Ranking
1. Lincoln University Pennsylvania

Lincoln University, PA, 5 psychology programs

Cheyney University of Pennsylvania - HBCU School Ranking
2. Cheyney University of Pennsylvania

Cheyney, PA, 2 psychology programs

HBCU psychology schools in the Northeast by state:

Schools by State2 HBCU Psychology Schools in Pennsylvania

HBCU psychology schools in other regions:

Midwest: 4 HBCU schools
South: 67 HBCU schools
Southeast: 53 HBCU schools

Popular HBCU school cities in the Northeast:

in Pennsylvania:
Cheyney: 1 HBCU school
Lincoln University: 1 HBCU school
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