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HBCU Schools in Marshall, Texas

in the area
Marshall, Texas is a mediocre place to get HBCU diploma. The only one school which offers such opportunity in the city is Wiley College. That HBCU school has a fair quality programs evaluated with two-star rating for curriculum and three-star rating for teaching.

There are seventeen more HBCU schools near Marshall. Read the details about all schools offering HBCU programs around the city below.

HBCU schools in Marshall, Texas:

Wiley College - HBCU School Ranking

HBCU schools near Marshall, Texas:

Southern University at Shreveport - HBCU School Ranking
Southern University

Located in Shreveport, Louisiana

Jarvis Christian University - HBCU School Ranking
Jarvis Christian University

Located in Hawkins, Texas

Texas College - HBCU School Ranking
Texas College

Located in Tyler, Texas

Grambling State University - HBCU School Ranking
Grambling State University

Located in Grambling, Louisiana

Paul Quinn College - HBCU School Ranking
Paul Quinn College

Located in Dallas, Texas

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff - HBCU School Ranking
University of Arkansas

Located in Pine Bluff, Arkansas

Alcorn State University - HBCU School Ranking
Alcorn State University

Located in Alcorn State, Mississippi

Arkansas Baptist College - HBCU School Ranking
Arkansas Baptist College

Located in Little Rock, Arkansas

Philander Smith College - HBCU School Ranking
Philander Smith College

Located in Little Rock, Arkansas

Prairie View A & M University - HBCU School Ranking
Prairie View A & M University

Located in Prairie View, Texas

Texas Southern University - HBCU School Ranking
Texas Southern University

Located in Houston, Texas

Southern University and A & M College - HBCU School Ranking
Southern University and A & M College

Located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Jackson State University - HBCU School Ranking
Jackson State University

Located in Jackson, Mississippi

Tougaloo College - HBCU School Ranking
Tougaloo College

Located in Tougaloo, Mississippi

Mississippi Valley State University - HBCU School Ranking
Mississippi Valley State University

Located in Itta Bena, Mississippi

Coahoma Community College - HBCU School Ranking
Coahoma Community College

Located in Clarksdale, Mississippi

Huston Tillotson University - HBCU School Ranking
Huston Tillotson University

Located in Austin, Texas

HBCU schools in other TX cities:

Austin: 1 HBCU school
Dallas: 1 HBCU school
Hawkins: 1 HBCU school
Houston: 1 HBCU school
Prairie View: 1 HBCU school
San Antonio: 1 HBCU school
Tyler: 1 HBCU school

Texas HBCU schools by program:

Accounting: 5 HBCU schools
Agriculture: 1 HBCU school
Architecture: 2 HBCU schools
Arts: 4 HBCU schools
Biology: 8 HBCU schools
Business: 8 HBCU schools
Chemistry: 6 HBCU schools
Computer: 5 HBCU schools
Construction: 2 HBCU schools
Culinary: 1 HBCU school
Dental: 1 HBCU school
Economics: 1 HBCU school
Education: 8 HBCU schools
Electrical: 2 HBCU schools
Engineering: 3 HBCU schools
Environmental: 2 HBCU schools
Finance: 2 HBCU schools
Flight: 2 HBCU schools
Graphic Design: 2 HBCU schools
History: 7 HBCU schools
Hospitality: 2 HBCU schools
HVAC: 1 HBCU school
Interior Design: 1 HBCU school
Journalism: 5 HBCU schools
Foreign Languages: 2 HBCU schools
Law: 3 HBCU schools
Literature: 8 HBCU schools
Management: 8 HBCU schools
Marketing: 2 HBCU schools
Mathematics: 8 HBCU schools
Mechanic: 1 HBCU school
Medical: 4 HBCU schools
Music: 5 HBCU schools
Nursing: 2 HBCU schools
Occupational Therapy: 1 HBCU school
Performing Arts: 2 HBCU schools
Pharmacy: 2 HBCU schools
Philosophy: 5 HBCU schools
Physics: 2 HBCU schools
Police: 8 HBCU schools
Politics: 5 HBCU schools
Psychology: 5 HBCU schools
Secretary: 1 HBCU school
Social Work: 5 HBCU schools
Sociology: 7 HBCU schools
Sport: 2 HBCU schools
Theatre: 2 HBCU schools

Texas HBCU schools by diploma:

Certificates: 1 HBCU school
Associate's Degrees: 4 HBCU schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 7 HBCU schools
Master's Degrees: 3 HBCU schools
Doctoral Degrees: 2 HBCU schools

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